The Catholic Daughters established the Junior Catholic Daughter program in 1926. It is a program for Catholic girls from 6 to 18 years of age. The goals and objectives of the JCDA program are divided into a Threefold Program of: Message; Service; and Community.
Court Santa Sophia sponsored and instituted JCDA #2520 Court Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom on October 5, 2014. Since then, JCDA has grown to become a vibrant and active faith-based organization for girls. JCDA members have hosted toy drives for orphans in Tecate, BC Mexico, distributed cookies to veterans attending the San Diego Veteran’s Day parade, held a toiletries and sock drive for the homeless on the streets of San Diego, prepared food and distributed over 200 meals to the homeless living on the streets, sponsored a needy family for Christmas, held a clothing drive for a refugee family, helped with fish dinners and so much more. As a group, they’ve feed themselves spiritually by greeting people at Mass, attending retreats, attending Mass as a group, having special prayer intentions at every meeting and attending Stations of the Cross.
JCDA is an opportunity for girls to serve the community, create lasting friendships and grow in faith. Our goal is to develop the desire to live lives of service to others.
Membership is divided into two groups:
JUNIORETTE: 6-10 years
JUNIOR: 11-18 years
Our goals:
- Promote the development of the whole person through programs of self-identity, personal growth, and friendship.
- Promote service to others in the parish, community, and JCDA.
- Encourage spiritual growth by providing opportunities for personal prayer, liturgy, and by understanding of our Christian faith.
- Encourage programming that is open, flexible, and creative to current needs and concerns.
For more information on becoming a member, a parent must fill out the form below: